YAMAHA MT07/XSR700 FSP Fork Spring Preload

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  • Regular price $299.00

Front Spring Preload System

  • PreloadAdjustment

FSPsystem provides 16mm preload adjustability to help the rider fine tune the harmonicbalance between the front and rear suspension to achieve the desired settingsfor street or track.


  • Builtin Bearing (NTN)

Preloadadjusters utilize thrust needle roller bearings to helps reduce surfacefriction when adjusting preload.


  • Ferrosiliconchromium Spring

Thespring is constructed using ferrosilicon chromium steel (SAE9254) for a highertensile strength over OE. The strong and durable ferrosilicon chromium springallows us to reduce the overall coil count from OE resulting in increasedspring travel.


  • LightWeight Aluminum Tube

Reinforcedlightweight aluminum tube weighs significantly less than the OE factory tube.


  • Easyinstall with no oil change

FSPSystem can be installed without changing the front fork resistance oil. A 15Wor higher weight oil is recommended for optimal performance.


  • Warranty

     FSP System is coveredby a 5 year limited warranty.

  • Installation fee is not included.